EBIC developed a Virtual Reality tour. With this tour, you will discover how EBIC shares knowledge with all specialists in the bakery chain, turns knowledge into new ideas and innovations and supports the European bakery chain. Watch the EBIC VR tour (360° video) on YouTube.
Watch the EBIC VR Tour (360° video) – English »
Watch the EBIC VR Tour (360° video) – Deutsch »
Watch the EBIC VR Tour (360° video) – Francais »
Watch the EBIC VR Tour (360° video) – Dutch »
EBIC is committed to sharing knowledge with all specialists in the bakery chain. From baker to retailer and from miller to raw material supplier. This exchange of knowledge will among other things make it clear why the use of specific ingredients is important for the reliable supply of bakery products of consistent quality.
In this way, EBIC wants to contribute to increase the knowledge of all those involved in the chain. Because in our constantly changing world can artisan and industrial bakeries must constantly respond to the expectations of consumers.
EBIC believes that knowledge is power. Creating, sharing and implementing knowledge to strengthen the bakery chain and to develop new ideas and innovations. Conducting research, providing training and seminars and providing support in practice are the cornerstones of EBIC. EBIC is the place where knowledge of and passion for bread are the forces behind innovation and vlaue addition wihtin the bakery chain. That's why you are more than welcome in the European Bakery Innovation Centre in Papendrecht.