European Bakery Innovation Centre

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The European Bakery Innovation Centre (EBIC) has an online community on LinkedIn called 'EBIC (European Bakery Innovation Centre)'. This platform is specially created for the International Bakery Industry. The EBIC LinkedIn platform is unique and has the following main purpose: Sharing knowledge and experience to maintain and increase value Industry wide.

The platform 'EBIC' will include current issues such as Corporate Social Responsibilities and salt reduction. In addition, there are discussions about the diversity of (renewable) raw materials such as palm oil, but you can also post questions for other bakers about their experiences with certain products or ingredients. You are free to respond to questions from other bakers made on this platform. Knowledge will be maintained and increased because of the contribution of all participants.

Sign up now!
Sharing knowledge to maintain and increase know-how and to create an additional value. That’s what EBIC stands for. Do you want to participate with the EBIC platform? Please visit the EBIC platform and sign up.

Completely Dutch platform available
EBIC has also launched a Dutch platform on LinkedIn on the 18th of June 2012. This platform can be found on LinkedIn and is called 'Netwerk Brood'.



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