European Bakery Innovation Centre

  • Acrylamide
  • EBIC research
  • Fatty acids
  • Fibres
  • Gluten Free
  • Proteins
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  • (Reprocessing) breadwaste
  • Salt reduction
  • Sustainable palm oil
  • Sourdough

(Reprocessing) breadwaste

United Biscuits hitting zero-waste targets

United Biscuits (UB) has announced that four of its 14 UK sites have hit its zero-waste-to-landfill target

The manufacturer of snacks, including McVitie's, Hula Hoops and Jacob's brand products, has achieved the target at its sites in Hayes, Consett, Rotherham and Ashby.


The firm has reduced its waste to landfill by maximising its recycling efforts, reducing the amount of waste being bought in to the business and having any residual waste, that could not be recycled normally, incinerated to create energy.


Last year UB announced it had achieved its target of zero food waste to landfill by 2010 – a year early. After achieving a 44% reduction in non-food waste to landfill in 2009, UB brought forward its target of zero non-food waste to landfill to 2012, from the original deadline of 2015.


During 2010, the firm increased its recycling volume by 19%; improved the recycling percentage to 95% in 2010 compared to 70% in 2009; and decreased its landfill volumes by 1,274 tonnes (down 55%).


Source: The Website of British Baker Magazine


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