Flour Protein Quality Kit
The Flour Protein Quality Kit is used for accurate and quick measurement of the protein quality of flour by means of a Farinograph.
The protein quality of flour determines to a large extent the baking quality. Most standard methods to establish the quality of flour make a fingerprint of the flour and are not clearly linked to baking quality. Therefore baking is still the method of choice to determine the flour quality. Testbaking / physical dough tests in a dough lab are time consuming, however. In chemical tests other flour components interfere the determination of protein quality.
The Flour Protein Quality Kit quickly and accurately measures the protein quality of flour by means of a modified Farinograph procedure. The test results help during the change of harvest, or when exchanging type of flour. It is also a tool for monitoring the flour quality.
Product advantages:
- Unlike other methods not a fingerprint of the flour, but a quality parameter linked to processing and baking quality of flour
- Measures the quality of protein in flour and not the quantity
- Quick indication wether testbaking is necessary or not
- No interference of other flour components or protein quantity (like with Zeleny or SDS-sedimentation tests)
- Tool for monitoring flour quality and quality of milling fractions
- Low cost per measurement
Packing: Carton with 4 containers of 300 grams each
Shelf life: The Flour Protein Quality Kit can be kept for 9 months if stored according to the storage conditions
Storage conditions: Store cool (15-25ºC) and dry. Close container after use
Dosage: 15 grams of mix to 300 gram of flour. One carton enables to carry out 80 measurements
- Industrial bakeries
- Raw materials suppliers
- Mills
1 kit costs Eur. 525,- (ex. transport)
Shipping within The Netherlands and Belgium is free.
If you have any futher questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Mr. P. Weegels can answer all your questions. Please call +31 (0)78 6442525 or via ebic@sonneveld.com